Corporate Social Responsibility

You'll have heard about it... Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Commitment; we know it is important that we do, not just our bit, but SO MUCH MORE which is why we have been working on policies and processes that contribute towards a greener supply chain where ever possible:

Recyclable Packaging

Take our Renpak Green Line packing paper, 100% biodegradable and recyclable!

Solar Energy Supply

Did you know energy can still be collected on cloudy days? Which bodes well for us as it’s not always sunny in Carnforth. The energy helps power our HQ!

Local Suppliers

From James Cropper Papermaker to Derwent Pencils; both sit on our doorstep, creating fantastic quality products with a conscience.

Positive Working Environment

Our team are what makes us so special. We strive to maintain a supportive, social environment through training and development.

Green Delivery Partner

DPD are our chosen delivery partner who’s aim is to be the greenest delivery company on the planet!

Charitable Support

Lancashire Mind is a local, independent mental health charity fuelled by a passionate belief that enabling people to achieve mental wellbeing will reduce the number of people who go on to develop a mental health condition and, for those who do to have a better chance of remaining well.

Carbon Offsetting

We support UK woodland creation and peatland restoration projects as well as various international offsetting projects through our trusted partners Forest Carbon.

Recycling Partner

We use local company Think Recycling for all our cardboard recycling needs. With over 30 years of experience in the local waste & recycling industry, they have established an extensive network of outlets for all types of recovered material.